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Undeliverable Message

To:            www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu
Subject:       Re: info

Message not delivered to recipients below.  Press F1 for help with VNM
error codes.               

	VNM3048:  Andrew MacBrien@CustomerSupport@CSC

------------------  Error number Explanation Follows -------------------


   The user's mailbox has been disabled by the system
   administrator.  While disabled, the user cannot 
   send or receive mail.  The administrator can enable the 
   mailbox using the Change mailbox settings function
   available in the Manage User menu (MUSER).

----------------------  Original Message Follows  ----------------------

Please excuse my confusion, as I believe I am already on your mailing list (I've
received interestring correspondance).  You wrote:

subscription info please

to which I reply, hopefully helpfully:
subscribe www-security  K_R_Jones%cjis@MWMGATE3.mitre.org
